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Weekend Recap

If I had to choose one word to sum up my weekend, it would be: gardening!!  The weather has finally started warming up enough to truly get in the dirt and make things grow. The majority of my time this weekend was spent helping my mother in law around the yard tidying up the beds, pruning trees and raspberry canes and of course tending to my own veggie garden which has started sprouting already, believe it or not! Of course my weekend wasn't complete without some chicken fun too..my little babies are 5 weeks old today, hard to believe!! They are doing very well and this morning we moved them in to their coop where they will be spending the rest of their blissful lives! They will be staying in their cardboard box this week, getting used to their surroundings and what not and then {hopefully} next week we will start building a pen for them and get them in to their big girl home full time. I'm pretty excited to see them out there now, having chickens in a chicken coop makes it that much more real now compared to hiding in a corner in the shop! So exciting!! Alright, so here is my weekend in photos:

We moved the chicken coop in place on Friday

Our water isn't hooked up yet so I'm hauling water to my garden..its getting old fast

I rec'd confirmation that a few more cards of mine will be published this year!

We cleaned the flower beds

A neighbor gave us 21 new strawberry plants that we temporarily planted in old washtubs tils we figure out where we'd like a berry patch

We prepped 1500 new trees for planting

I went thru my magazines and organized/recycled them..finally!

We pruned trees..

I pruned raspberry canes

I took this guy for a swim in the dugout

I brought this guy lunch while he rolled lentils

I snuggled lots with this guy

I bonded more with Eleanor and showed her the 'great outdoors'

All in all it was a fantastic weekend. Wonderful, warm weather..getting my hands in the dirt and spending time with loved ones {human, furry and feathered}

Before I sign off, I couldn't resist showing you a photo of one of my 5 week old Plymouth Barred Rocks...seriously, are they not GORGEOUS?! *sigh*

Happy Monday everyone!!


  1. You were a busy girl this weekend! Way to go!!

  2. A very full weekend. Now you need to rest:-D

  3. WOW what a busy weekend, but how fun and fullfilling it is to do all this for your house and family. I think it's great what your doing and that you will never have a boring moment living on this land. Love the photos of your whole day!!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments!! I appreciate hearing from you, have a great day!

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