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Due Date!!

Its here! It's here!! My sons due date is today, January 7th 2014..oh goodness you guys, however things work out..we get to meet our little bundle of joy in the next 2 weeks! Wow, I can't believe it!! All this waiting, this anticipating and hoping and dreaming..it's boiled down to this..the final waiting game til he decides it's time to meet us.

I will admit, I am very nervous for delivery. I hope it isn't too traumatic or hard for bun or myself, but, I do know for sure that it'll all be worth it as soon as I get to hold him in my arms or watch him snuggle with his daddy. Ack, melts my heart just thinking about it!!

I was just thinking yesterday about how beautiful and empowering pregnancy is for women. I have never had a belly this size before but I guarantee you I have also never felt this beautiful before! There is something about being pregnant that is so amazing, so beautiful..I can't stop staring at this belly and thinking what a miracle this whole experience has been for us. Such a blessing!! And, before I know it, the belly will be gone and this will be a memory, captured and documented forever thanks to my camera and project life album...truly such a blessing!

So keep tuned..pretty soon a smooshy, cuddly baby will be gracing these posts!! And, I'll warn you now..he'll be gracing this blog a LOT!!! ;)

Please keep your fingers crossed for his safe and timely arrival!!

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