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Its All About the Popcorn

For me, there is no better snack than buttered, air popped popcorn. Just the thought of it makes my tummy rumble and makes me want to plug in a movie and cuddle up with my very large pink bowl, full of the good stuff. My obsession with popcorn began when I was a little girl, where Friday nights were TGIF and popcorn night..and then I graduated to a few nights a week and now, I am an "every day" kind of gal ;) Like clockwork, 2 hours after dinner I begin to crave it. The odd thing? There is no other food on the planet I have ever liked as much or have never gotten sick of! Crazy! Any one else obsessed with air popped popcorn?

mmm...nom nom nom

Now, I have been a Costco member for a few years and have taken complete advantage of the ginormous jugs of Orville Redenbacher popcorn {trust me} but this year, I'm going to switch it up. This year, seeing as I live on a farm and have more land to do with than I know...I am growing my own .... Eeeek!

{insert jumping up & down here}

Yes my friends, its true. I will {hopefully} be able to call myself the next Orville Redenbacher with my very own popcorn, grown by my own hands. All of this came to light one evening while looking over my newest seed catalogues and an offer for popcorn seeds to grow at home had caught my eye. I shrieked and scared Adam then exclaimed, "You can grow your own popcorn? Why have I never been let in on this??"

So we did a germination test to see how seeds would grow and my gosh they took off!! Trust me, excited doesn't even cover how I felt!

Can't believe how these guys just took off!

This year I will be growing my first veggie garden ever, and I am so excited! I am starting small{ish} and am growing all my favs {especially popcorn} can't wait to see how my first garden does!!

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