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Colour Crush

What started as an innocent enough search into KitchenAid mixers, [I have wanted a majestic yellow one now for 4 years and want to ask Santa for one this year] landed me on a mission on Pinterest the other night to find as much of this colour as I could possibly find. I have been crushing on pistachio coloured goodies for a while now and finding out KitchenAid made a mixer in that exact colour was enough to stir up an obsession with me (seems to be a theme lately, no?).

4 years ago when I bought my cozy little home in the city, I painted my bathroom sea foam green (actually turned out to be more blue but, thats another story) and then I painted my front porch the most beautiful shade of pistachio I could find..and then I sold that home and moved out here to the farm where everything was covered in teal, blush pink and wallpaper...yes, *wallpaper*

ANYWAYS, because of this hunt for pistachio coloured goodies, I am now considering an entirely new direction for our guest room (sorry honey, I know I am changing my mind a lot lately but hey..thats my prerogative!!)

And with that, I give you my current colour crush mood board: Pistachio

Its just the perfect shade to feel vintage, fresh and just a little bit *country*

**and yes, I did ask Santa if I could have a new mixer in both majestic yellow (butter) and pistachio..Santa said his sleigh wasn't big enough to carry both ;)

All images found on Pinterest

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