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Fishing, Part II

So sorry its been a week since my last post, I'm really sucking at blogging lately hey? I don't know what it is, it just seems like the computer starts to become my last priority lately with all the happenings around the farm. But I will try to become more constant again, I promise!!

As I left off on my last post, today I am taking you on a little tour of our actual fishing expeditions! In total, between the 5 of us, we caught approximately 600 fishies (25 of which we actually kept to bring home - its the legal limit) It was such a fun experience to have a rod & reel in my hands again, its been years and years, but the minute I started casting..it all came back to me!! My paternal grandfather would take all of us grandchildren out fishing at the lake when we were kiddos and I remember I used to love it and I loved spending long days out by the water so it was only natural that I would enjoy my days up North, fishing alongside my hubby.

My first fish was a 6lb jack fish

Cool eh?
My Father in Law would fish off the dock every morning while waiting for everyone else to get ready and, without a doubt, every morning he would catch a fish! He made it look easy ;)
The 5 full days were a blur of different kinds of fish, I kept taking photos, thinking I'd remember which ones were which (I do remember a few!!) but, for the most part, they could've all been the same fish and I couldn't tell you any different! With that in mind, heres a quick peek of our best catches..

and I know what you're thinking..no, fashion was not a factor while up North ;)
One of my favorite memories from the trip was our shoreline lunch that happened on Day 2 of fishing. Adam & I caught and kept 2 trout and then we all met up at a designated spot for a lunch that included trout fillets cooked over an open flame..let me tell you, it was SO tasty!!
Our chefs! (my hubs on the right and my 1 brother in law on the left)
aaand, our lunch. YUM!!
And that, folks, is Part II!!! I hope you have enjoyed my little peek inside our family fishing trip! I plan to share another post of odds & ends photos sometime later this week, I hope you come back to enjoy those as well :) Have a great Monday everyone!!
P.S!! On a side note - did you notice my new blog banner for the month of October {at the top} SO excited for October to be here!! 

1 comment:

  1. My hubby will be so jealous when I show him this post, those are huge!! Way to go Dawn, you did awesome. My poor hubby struck out each time he fished this summer, poor guy maybe I shouldn't show him this, lol

    So glad you had fun! Yes, I did see your banner adn LOVE IT!!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments!! I appreciate hearing from you, have a great day!

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