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Introducing: Hilda

For the last few years, I have become quite fond of 1940-1950's pin up girls, I think they are so cute and fun and the scenarios they have been painted in are sometimes quite amusing. The last few years I have always bought myself a new pin up calendar for my studio that is filled with the drawings of Elvgren, probably one of the most famous pin up artists. But, I've come across an entirely new pin up girl and I'm proud to say you will be seeing more of her around this blog..she cracks me up! She wasn't your typical pin up girl but she became increasingly popular in the 50's and 60's for her plump figure and her all around happy zest for life! One of my favorite, farm related images now holds a permanent place on my side bar, which you can view to your right if you scroll down a little. Its okay, I'll wait.......   --->

Isn't she cute? I've been enthralled by her drawings lately..I just love them! Anyways, I thought I'd introduce you to her {incase you didn't know who she was, maybe you did?!}. Hope you enjoy seeing your hilarious depictions around here from time to time!! Have a great day everyone!!


  1. OMG OMG OMG!!! She's soooo funny, love this Dawn!! That picture is making me crack up, love her bikini and that she's chasing a cow. Can you picture you or I doing this, NO WAY FOR ME!!
    The top picture is so cute also, I'd be freaked out being that close to a squirrel and hanging upside down, haha!! How funny these are and YES YES YES PLEASE SHARE MORE, LOVE THEM!!

    1. I am SO happy you love this Dawn, this is exactly the reaction I was hoping for!! As for chasing the cow..gosh I'd like to think I would do that but I doubt it!!
      The cabin I grew up at in the summer was always buzzing with squirrels so I have come to love them, they are just so dang cute!!

  2. This is so cute...I just don't know how she is keeping it all together in that bikini top.

    1. Hahahaha - too funny Lynette!! I was wondering that myself!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments!! I appreciate hearing from you, have a great day!

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