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Currently on 01.13.2012

Us driving to Saskatoon this past Monday!!

listening: to the absolute stillness of the country-side

reading: a stack of new magazines (LOVE new magazines!)

watching: Big Bang Theory...cracks me up EVERY time!

eating: popcorn, of course!

drinking: wine...since Italy I just.can't.stop!

wearing: my farm uniform: lulu's and a sweater!

feeling: excited

weather: cloudy this morning, snowy this afternoon and now the most beautiful stars have lit up the sky

playing: with new stamps for an upcoming call!

wanting: Reese's Peanut Butter Easter Egg...yum

needing: my Jakey :(

missing: my family

waiting: for everything to come together

enjoying: being a newlywed!

thankful: for everything I have been given in my life

I can't believe its already almost the middle of January! Time is just going so fast!! I have been keeping up with my Project Life, taking photos and jotting down notes of random thoughts and events in our daily life. I finally received my Core kit in the mail today so can actually begin proper journalling (cannot WAIT for the pack A photo protectors to be coming back in stock next month). Have any of you decided to participate in Project Life this year? I can't wait to see it all come together, I'm so excited for this!!!

As a side note, we still do not have internet but I'm hoping that won't slow my blogging down. Even if that means I need to start coming over here to the In-Laws daily just to keep this blog updated, I am definitely willing to do that!! I hope you all had a great week and are looking forward to an amazing weekend!! Happy Crafting everyone!



  1. Great post! You made me laugh when you mentioned having to go to the inlaws to blog. Dedication!!!! LOL

    1. Haha-thanks Stacy!! I agree, definitely dedication! ;)


Thank you so much for your sweet comments!! I appreciate hearing from you, have a great day!

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