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Friday night I loaded Hudson and my mom, who was down for the weekend, into our truck to head to my girlfriends farm a few miles away. She had texted me earlier in the week to tell me their yearly delivery of piglets had come so if I was free, I had an open invitation to come take some pics of them. I was more excited than you could possibly imagine. Photographing & documenting the farm life and all it encompasses has truly become a passion of mine. So, off we went! And what I got was definitely worth the trip!!

These cuties were quite a bit larger than I first expected. (when I think of piglets, I think of little bundles with a twirly tail and can be picked up easily) They were easily 60lbs each already but still quite adorable! At first they ran away from my presence but my quiet demeanour quickly lured them closer and for that I'm ever so grateful!

Each piglet had their own personalities and appearance. Their grunts were truly the cutest thing and I'll admit I had way more fun than I should have. But hey, thats what this life is all about, no?

and last but not least, probably my favourite image that I captured that night..

Happy Monday everyone!!

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