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Cutting Garden

If you are like me, you grow the flowers you really love in your garden only to feel bad when it comes to cutting them for inside your home. I started growing zinnias 2 years ago alongside my veggies and when it came time to cut a few for my home, I realized how choosy I had become in order to not take too much out of the garden. (Silly, I know!)

Anyways..fast forward to this Spring..we are finally in our own home with our own yard and I decided a cutting garden is exactly what I needed! Adam and I got to work spraying off a patch of grass I had marked off then we dug up the sod (which is a lot more work than I ever gave it credit for!)

Next I added in some peatmoss and well composted cow manure to add some much needed nutrients back into the soil and then the fun began!

This year I have dedicated the majority of this bed to my floral love..zinnias. I was quite embarrassed when I realized how many seeds I had so in they went (this is going to look gorgeous when it starts blooming! I planted approximately 1,000 in here!)

Also added to my cutting garden is:
- sunflowers
- dahlias; and
- sweet peas

I will write another post with an update on my cutting garden as soon as the blooms begin to open. Can't wait!!


  1. Can't wait to see how beautiful this turns to be! I got a box of 1000 zinnia, marrigold AND daisy seeds last fall. (for $5 a box, I obviously couldn't leave them on the shelf!) Plus I have a ton of flower seed packets i've picked up since! And just one large garden! How did you plant your zinnia's along veggies? Like a row of say beans, with zinnias/flowers along it or what? I'm desperately trying to figure out a way to incorporate taller cut flowers (mainly zinnia's+daisies) into my veggie garden. Sunflowers and marigolds are a bit easier to figure out :)
    Or maybe you have a picture of your veggies+zinnia's together?!

    1. OMG I wouldn't have left those seeds on the shelf either!! lol Way too tempting to pass up! What I like to do is just either plant a row of flowers amongst my veggies (I did a border of sweet peas each year that outlined my garden from our fields) or, with my zinnias in particular, I just made a centre point in the middle of the garden that I staked a bamboo tee pee, planted morning glories to climb up the stakes then made a double, circular planting of zinnias around that as a focal point of the garden! I did that again this year as well in my veggie plot that I just planted here on Thursday ;)

  2. I know you love your flowers Dawn and this is a perfect idea for you!! I can't wait to see them growing and how many you will get!! I don't like cutting my flowers either, we don't have many so I want them to stay outside to enjoy but a few find their way onto my kitchen table, lol.

    ENJOY IT!!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments!! I appreciate hearing from you, have a great day!

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