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This Week on the Farm

So, this post was supposed to go up yesterday to wrap up last week and I tried, I really did. In fact I tried 3 separate times but the little guy had different plans for me and so here I am, coffee in hand, baby sleeping in his swing and wrapping up my 2nd Week on the Farm blog post..on a Monday ;)

This week started to really feel like Spring. I loved it! The warm weather came by the weekend and melted a ton of our snow and Adam was out and about moving machinery which always cheers me up. Something about the hustle & bustle of farm life really makes life good ;)

And with that, here's what happened around here this past week:

Every morning starts with family snuggles in our bed...and I couldn't love it more!!
 I sprouted lentils for my chickens and they went crazy for them!!

 It snowed mid-week and while I love a good snow day, I'm so ready for some hot sunshine

 Our machinery sits idle, like sleeping giants

 The seeds I planted last week have started to grow and it makes my heart happy

 On Wednesday, Adam began hauling lentils to the terminal for cleaning. Can't believe we'll be seeding next month!!

 Hudson got his very first semi ride!

 My inlaws left for Hawaii 6 weeks ago and this weekend, Hudson's grandpa came home!

 We came across this little porcupine and he was so willing to have his photo taken!

and that was our week on the farm!!

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