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This week on the farm

Welcome to my new, weekly photo post that wraps up our week here on the farm! As February turns into March, our thoughts go heavier into Spring. Farming season will soon be upon us as well as myself getting back into the garden and we are so excited for the warmer weather! This week, we had mostly cold days except for Wednesday...the cold weather blew away for one warm, sunny day that seemed to whisper, "Spring is on its way!" We were in the city that day for my 6 week check up at the drs as well as a check in with Hudson's pediatrician and I kept commenting over and over again about how much I loved the weather that day and how, if we lived there, I would be walking Hudson every day (no snow, no ice!) All in all it was another busy week for us here at the farm..and I highly anticipate that every week from here on out will only get busier!

This week on the farm..

Spring has sprung! In bulb form, by our kitchen windowsill. 

My ladies are laying eggs like its their job throughout this Winter. Every day I am collecting at least 7 eggs from my 10 hens!! I am so impressed and so thankful for these amazing little pets of mine. There is something so comforting in raising chickens, knowing that, even if we ran out of money tomorrow..we'd always have something to eat thanks to them. Its such a good feeling!

Country drives with my farmer have always been a favorite way to spend a morning and this week was no exception. We drove all over our land, showing Hudson where we live and, checking our fields. Planning and anticipating Spring!

Jumping off hay bales 6 weeks after a c-section? I never thought I'd see the day but here we are!! And so happy that I'm feeling back to my old self so soon again

Adam got our blue tractor going and our auger set up to accept loads of fertilizer this week! It was awesome to hear the equipment going again and knowing the loads of fertilizer were going in to the bin for Spring made Winter seem that much more bearable..whew! Spring really is around the corner!

Fresh from the farmhouse, I made my first attempt at baked donuts and let me tell you, these did NOT disappoint! YUM!

My baby is 7 weeks old this week..please, someone tell me how this happened!!?!

This week, Mr Fox struck again and took one of my barred rock hens. I was devastated! She makes #4 of hens lost this winter to a predator..my first ever winter experiencing this kind of loss. Enough is enough!!


My herb seeds I planted last week have begun sprouting!!

 Hubby surprised me with a potting bench this week!! More details in a future post to come!

This week I played in the dirt and sowed my first seeds for this years garden. So far, sweet peppers, asparagus, strawberries, blue corn, heirloom tomatoes, onions and a few perennial flowers have been seeded!

 And that wraps up our first Week on the Farm wrap up!! Have a great Sunday everyone!!


  1. Hello Dawn,
    Your week on the farm sounds perfect to me. LOVE IT!! How nice it is to see you up around and enjoying nature and mommyhood, YIPPEEE!! You look great and baby Hudson is so dang cute! The time does go too fast, I can't believe mine used to be this small. Enjoy every moment of it!

  2. Those baked donuts look amazing!!! I'm going to have to try them.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments!! I appreciate hearing from you, have a great day!

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