Sigh...there's only a month and a half left of 2013 and this poor blog is looking pretty sad...and empty..and lonely. 2012 was so much more inspiring!! While 2013 wasn't all bad, it definitely changed me. Things happened, life changed, things got busy, we found out we were pregnant, fatigue kicked in, Summer came, Summer went and so did Autumn. And now we're surrounded by snow and a full To Do list before baby comes.
Currently we have spent the last week moving my inlaws out of their old farmhouse and in to their new monolithic dome that we have been living in for the past 2 years. It was a huge job emptying this place out but we got through it! Now Adam and I are currently living in the basement while the upstairs undergoes major renovations. We spent quite a few days scraping the old ceiling off, ripping up the teal carpets (wow), stripping off miles of wallpaper (every wall had some on it in this house!) and completely gutting the upstairs bathroom. Now, Adam and my father in law are painting all the walls (the colours make me so happy, I can't wait to share!!). Today will be the last day of working on our place for about a week a half though as Wednesday, we are all flying out to Halifax, Nova Scotia to attend my brother in laws wedding!
As happy as I am to finally see the East Coast of Canada, I'll admit the timing could be better. Tomorrow I begin my 33rd week of pregnancy and am getting a little nervous to fly this late and, too, I'd really like to be at home now, finishing the reno's and getting settled and cozy before we bring the little guy home in January. When we come back on the 23rd we still have a knock down ceiling to do, lay new floors and install all new lighting and toilet and bathroom vanity before I can even get to start decorating the home, setting up Christmas and just all around sit down and enjoy our first true home together. Its a whirlwind end to my pregnancy but I am hoping that December calms down dramatically for us so I can catch my breath before I take on this huge job of being a momma to my little man!
So that's where I am at right now..busy and overwhelmed but getting thru it. I truly plan to make it a goal to blog more often again in 2014..there will be so much to share with the little one and our farm life. I can't wait to share! So thank you for sticking with me this past year and thank you all for your love and support..I appreciate every single one of you!
Oh Dawn, time have really passed so quickly. I hope things settle down and you get a breather before your baby boy is born.