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Happy Mothers Day

To the woman who gave me life, thank you
To the woman who held my hand when I was scared, thank you
To the woman who braided my hair for school every day, thank you
To the woman who passed on possessions so I would not go without, thank you
To the woman who listened when I needed to talk, thank you
To the woman who talked when I needed to listen, thank you
To the woman who taught me everything I know, thank you
To the woman who scolded me when I needed it, thank you
To the woman who supported me no matter what, thank you
To the woman who joined me when I made a fool of myself, thank you
To the woman who laughs at all my jokes/stories, thank you
To the woman who loves my husband as her own son, thank you
To the woman who taught me what it means to be a wife, thank you
To the woman who planned and worked so hard for my wedding, thank you
To the woman who showed me strength thru indescribable circumstances, thank you
To the woman who loves me more than I ever fully understood, thank you

Happy Mothers Day Memoo!! You are the best mom a girl could have ever asked for. Every year as I grow older, I grow to appreciate everything you've done for me that much more. This year has been horrific for our family but I'm so proud of you..you still show up every day, you're still standing, still smiling..thank you. You'll never know how much its been watched, valued and appreciated! I love you!



  1. LOVE this so much Dawn!! You are both so lucky to have each other! Hugs for you both!

  2. and when you have babies you will really understand how great she is ;-)


Thank you so much for your sweet comments!! I appreciate hearing from you, have a great day!

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