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I could blog..but, I'm busy..

Yes..that title is correct..I could blog..but, well, I've been busy with these ladies..

*sigh* ..little fluffballs of happiness
I'm not sure if y'all knew this, but, I love my chickens!!
Farm life just kind of rocks my world..I love it!!
Once things warm up here, farm life will get exciting again so, hang on folks..
fun will be returning to the blog shortly! I promise!


  1. Oh they are cute, will you keep them all? Great photos hope your spring comes soon.

    1. Hi Linda! Thank you so much for stopping by!! Yes I will keep all of them..they're my babies ;) some people say you will lose 50% of new chicks but last year I only lost 1..so, hopefully, I don't lose many of these either!!

  2. So adorable! Great photos. Heard you were getting more snow... stay warm!

    1. Hi Glenda!
      Thank you!! Yes we received about 5" of snow again yesterday and woke up to -22 temps..I'm begging Mother Nature for Spring now!!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments!! I appreciate hearing from you, have a great day!

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