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Happy Feb 29th!!!

Hey Everyone!!

 Happy Leap Day!!! What are you all up to on your bonus day of February?! We woke up to a foggy, frosty morning..which is really quite beautiful!! All the trees were coated with a thick frost that sparkled in the sunshine!! Since then we have been going over our plans for this years farming season, quite possibly my favorite time of year! Planning all the crops we will plant, how many acres of each and where!! Boring for some, exciting for us :)

This weekend, my best friend brought her family out to our farm for the first time, and I was ecstatic! These were to be my very first guests since I moved to the farm myself in August and I couldn't wait to show them around. Her oldest, my god-daughter Makiya (3 1/2 years old!) asked her mommy on the drive out if we even had tv's out on the farm!! THREE AND A HALF PEOPLE!!! She just melts my heart :) Needless to say, we had a lot of fun activities planned for the weekend and might I mention not ONCE were the tvs on ;)

Here are a few photos from our fantastic weekend:

My little sweetheart, decked in "farm gear"

Adam toting Jaelyn and playing with Makiya - this is the most estrogen he has been surrounded by..EVER!

Quad time!! Makiya especially loved this :)

Then us adults got some shooting time in! I have never, ever held a gun before (thats me above!) but Jodie was adamant that we shot off a few rounds (she had never used a gun before either) so Adam instructed us on the safety tips of using guns, stacked up some pop cans and away we went!! It actually was a lot of fun!!!!

We had a blast with our friends this weekend and it meant so much to me that they came. They truly brought a little bit of "home" to the farm for me, and I could never thank them enough!! Now tomorrow is March (already?!?!) and we are off dreaming about the Harvest we will have this year..many exciting things coming up!!

Happy Crafting Everyone!

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